Elopements in Tasmania

Every couple these days should be considering an elopement in Tasmania.

Plenty of brides, caught in the midst of wedding planning stress, throw up their hands in frustration and declare, “Let’s just elope!” But for many brides, elopement isn’t a joke– it’s a practical, relaxed, and enjoyable alternative to the big, unruly party that is the modern wedding. So should you elope in Tasmania?

What is Elopement?

The word elope is French in origin, deriving from the words “aloper” and “esloper,” meaning “to abduct” or “to run away.” In the past, an “elopement” referred to a marriage between two people who, because of societal or family considerations, were unable to marry with the consent of their family, the church, or the law, and so chose to run away together and marry in a different location, often in secret. An elopement usually meant that the married couple would not return to their previous homes again, and would start a new life somewhere else.

In modern American society, however, the term “elopement” need not be nearly so dramatic. An elopement today can refer to a marriage that is performed in private (with no guests save the witnesses who sign the license and the person performing the marriage), often in an out-of-town location.

Advantages of Eloping

Eloping offers many advantages over a traditional wedding, and depending on your situation, these advantages may be appealing.

The average American wedding takes between six months and a year to plan, from start to finish. An elopement, however, can be planned much more quickly, as there is no need to accommodate guests. Elopements can also be an inexpensive alternative for couples who can’t or don’t want to spend a large amount of money. The average American couple spends about $19,000 on a wedding– not including the cost of a honeymoon or an engagement ring. However, according to Let’s Run Off, an online site for eloping couples, even a lavish elopement will generally only run a few thousand dollars. This can also add up to a lot less stress; not maxing out your bank account can get a marriage off to a great start, and not stressing out about a million minor details can help a bride stay sane!

Elopements are also great if you value your privacy, or if you just can’t stand the idea of being the center of attention. An elopement generally puts much less pressure on a bride (and a groom!) to look picture perfect in front of the entire family. This can also work to your advantage if your family doesn’t approve of your marriage, although, as we’ll see later, that can also backfire.

Disadvantages of Eloping

There are downsides to eloping, too. For one thing, some women who elope report feeling “cheated” out of their wedding day, or regret not having a family affair. Couples who have close-knit families might find themselves dealing with angry family members who feel slighted for not having been invited to the wedding.

Also, while eloping might seem like a great way to avoid family drama if your families don’t approve of your relationship, ultimately, they aren’t a quick fix for angry mothers and disapproving grandfathers. If your family members or friends disapprove of your relationship, they probably won’t approve any more if you elope than if you have a traditional wedding. You won’t have to deal with their disapproval on your wedding day, of course, and for some couples this temporary relief is worth it. But if you intend to return to your home after you’ve married, and you intend to continue your relationship with the disapproving family member(s) or friends after your marriage has been legalized, don’t expect your elopement to lessen their scorn.

How Do I Elope?

After agreeing with your partner that elopement is the best step for your relationship, consider where you want to elope. Do you want to stay local, go out of state, or travel internationally? Local elopements work best if you’re on a budget or want to get married immediately; international elopements are more adventurous but require more money, more time, and more preparation.

Some hotels and travel sites offer elopement packages, which can include officiants, scenic locations for your ceremony, accommodations, food, and activities, among other things. Check out Elopement Packages for more information.

Some brides worry that if they elope, they won’t ever be able to celebrate their marriage with a large party. However, if you intend to return home after your elopement, you can always throw a reception to celebrate your new marriage with family and friends.

Elopement can be a great way to get married without all the hassle and expense of a big fancy wedding. “Let’s just elope!” isn’t always a last resort– it’s just another way to say “I do”!